Mr. Hu Yuncheng, Chairman of ACEG and His Delegation Visited Laos and Attended Signing Ceremony of Municipal Facilities Project Framework Agreement between ACEG and Vientiane Provincial Government
  |  Updated: 2011-07-28  |  Views: 5788
The signing ceremony of municipal facilities transformation project framework agreement between ACEG and Vientiane Provincial Government was held at Vientiane on July 20, 2011, marking ACEG has achieved new breakthrough in developing markets in the ASEAN region.
Present at the signing ceremony were Mr. Hu Yuncheng, Chairman of ACEG, Mr. Xu Keshun, Deputy General Manager of ACEG, Mr. Wu Kang, Assistant to General Manager of ACEG, Mr. Bounthavy Sisouphanthong, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Department of Laos, Mr. Khammeung Phongthady, Governor of Vientiane Province, Ms Singkham Khongsavanh, Deputy Governor of Vientiane Province, officials from Ministry of Mineral, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport of Laos and Vientiane Provincial Government, business and media representatives, etc.
With Mr.Viengxay Bounthalath, Chairman of SNY Group as ACEG’s partnership enterprise and Mr. Oudong Phongphaipadsith, Director of Vientiane Provincial Planning and Investment Department as witnesses, Mr. Hu Yuncheng, Chairman of ACEG and Ms Singkham Khongsavanh, Deputy Governor of Vientiane Province signed on the cooperation agreement.
On behalf of ACEG, Mr. Hu Yuncheng conveyed congratulations to the success of signing ceremony and delivered a warm speech.
Included among projects of “National Five-year Development Plan" of Laos, municipal facilities transformation project of Vientiane province covers area of 2000 hectares with 18 specific projects, including new administration office building of Vientiane province, provincial gymnasium, park, sewage treatment, administration office building and roads of Vengkham County subordinate to Vientiane Province, river bank protection works of Mamngum. With the overall cost of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, the project is agreed to be operated on basis of resource-for-fund.
The signing ceremony was widely reported by Vientiane Times and other public media on their front pages.
On July 21, Mr. Hu held coordination meeting with partnership enterprise and ACEG office in Laos, deploying the operation of municipal facilities transformation project of Vientiane province.
On July 22, Mr. Hu and his delegation paid a visit to Mr. Zhang Yucheng, Counselor of Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s Office of the Embassy of P.R.China in the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos, exchanging views on developing construction market in Laos. Mr. Zhang introduced to Mr. Hu matters needing Chinese enterprises’ attention and relevant policies, expressing hope for ACEG’s development in Laos.